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Laura & Aaron — Minted




Laura and Aaron

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

We’re a Covid shutdown success story! While stuck in our homes, feeling isolated and alone, we connected through an on-line dating app. For 2 months we got to know each other “virtually,” bonding over common interests in gaming, Disney, dogs, music, and tasty eats. Occasionally Aaron would drive by and drop off gifts on Laura’s front porch…like Portland Cider and yummy snacks, but there was still no face-to-face meeting. When we finally had our first actual date we went to Portland Cider Company, we decided to make our relationship official and to come back the next day to celebrate Aaron's birthday.

Our engagement a year and a half later was truly “magical.” While on vacation at Disney World with Laura’s parents, we stopped one evening in Epcot to have our photo taken. The giant Spaceship Earth sphere was illuminated in sparkling colors behind us. We snuggled together for the picture, then Aaron dropped to one knee and proposed, all caught on camera! Park-goers standing in line cheered and Laura’s Dad yelled “what did she say?” Aaron shrugged and said “she didn’t answer!” Laura, who was still in shock and taking it all in, joyfully said “YES!” It was a blast to spend the next few days walking around Disney World wearing sparkly white ears announcing, “I Said Yes” and buttons saying “Just Engaged” and having cast members congratulate us and ask all about the proposal.

Now we are building our lives together. We share our little house in NE Portland with 2 crazy cats, Plagg and Meeko. When we aren't cooking up yummy dinners at home we are on the hunt for our next local resturant. We are looking forward to making memories at the wedding then heading off to honeymoon in Disneyland.

We hope you’ll join us on 2-4-24 as we celebrate our love and tie the knot!