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Laura & Aaron — Minted




Wedding Party

Jake Young

Man Of Honor

Laura's Brother from another Mother, and bestie since Kindergarten. He's been there through thick and thin and will always be Laura's on call tech support.

Brittany Leines

Matron of Honor

Brittany is Laura's Matron of Honor and soon-to-be sister in law. She's the first of the two short gals to marry one of the tall Leines brothers.

Madeline Whitlock


Laura and Madeline have known each other since they were six weeks old and their mothers met at a New Mom's Group.

Perrin Dean


Perrin and Laura meet in elementary school and were in Girl Scout Troop 1424 together. The two both love music and also were apart of the same youth choir.

Daniel Smith-Ganchegui


Dan was Aaron's Assistant Manager at Gamestop but quickly became one of his's closest friends. You never know what'll happen when the two of them are together.

Connor Leines


Aaron's brother and the father of one of our flower girls and the cutest Monkey. They may have fought when they were young but they're close now.

Haylee Croydon


Haylee is Aaron's old manager and close friend from his early GameStop days. She always pushed Aaron to better himself in his career.

Brandon Slyter


One of Aaron's oldest friends. They've known each other since cub scouts but became close friends in middle school. In 2018 they traveled to Japan with Brandon's family for one of the most fun trips of Aaron's life.

Evie Leines

Flower Girl

Evie is Aaron and Laura's niece. Her parents are on both sides of the wedding with Connor standing on Aaron's side and Brittany is on Laura's side.

Brooke Rutherford

Flower Girl

Laura's adorable 4 year old second cousin.

Joy Rutherford


Laura's Aunt Joy is lots of fun and has been a big influence in her life...she even taught her to ride a horse!